The MODX3 Project Finally Materializes
For many years I have been discussing the modernization of the MODX core. And it is no secret that countless obstacles seem to continuously appear in my path as I attempt to make headway towards that goal. However, with the help of a dedicated team of contributors, a plan that has been formulated by a number of individuals ready to help move MODX forward, and a new official website for the community to keep track of our progress, it appears we will finally see the next major version of MODX come to fruition.
Official Launch of the MODX3 Project
Thanks to the perseverance of several individuals and organizations, being driven by the leadership of Gauke Pieter Sietzema from STERC, a new dedicated website was recently unveiled to mark the official launch of the MODX3 Project. It includes a comprehensive plan highlighting the prospective features of this new release, weekly updates on the status of the project, and a detailed budget that includes reserves for additional features to be incorporated as we go.
I look forward to helping make MODX3 a reality as I collaborate with Vasily Naumkin, Mark Hamstra, Gauke Pieter Sietzema, Rinze van der Brug, and other contributing members of the MODX Community in the coming weeks and months. But even with a dedicated team and funding provided by STERC, MODX LLC, modmore, as well as a subsidy from the European Fund for Regional Development, we are still in need of sponsors and donations. You can read more about the official launch of the project and how you can contribute to the effort in this post on the MODX blog.